We all know that construction is a very complicated process. Hence, the manager also has to do a very complex job of construction project management. It is obvious that while perceiving this tough job there would be many hurdles or obstacles to complete the construction properly. These obstacles generally occur in the construction project due to some of the imperfections in the project that results in large obstacles. Let us go through the few obstacles that occur in construction project management.
Poor Communication
This is the type of obstacle in the construction project management, in which if this occurs by chance, then there is a possibility that the construction project may not be executed according to the plan. Thus, it is the responsibility of the manager to keep up the communication between the other workers in the project. There are many more effects of this obstacle i.e. due to poor communication the budget of the construction project often gets disturbed. It becomes very difficult to maintain the project at the provided budget. Even due to poor communication the time of the construction project completion extends and the project gets delayed. Therefore, to avoid these obstacles the manager needs to keep up the communication between the construction project members.
Improper budgets
Many times in construction project management, the situation may arise that the manager or the responsible member may get the unrealistic budget of the project by the client i.e. the client may expect the type of project for the execution of which the budget does not permit. In such a case, the manager or the responsible member of the project has to suffer from immense pressure. The improper budget may also result in incompletion of the construction project due to which the client needs to suffer and the reputation of the construction company falls.
Mismanagement of time
It is observed in many construction projects that most of the time in every project gets wasted in the planning and designing of the project. As a result, this should not be done, the responsible member in the project for these things should take care that things are done on time so the project does not get delayed. If the project gets delayed, then definitely the cost of the project increases due to the daily wage of the labor and construction instrument’s rents. Thus, the mismanagement of time in construction project management is a huge obstacle that can create various economic problems.
Conflicts in the projects
As discussed earlier a construction project is a very complex project and it requires many people to execute it hence many people are present on the construction site. It is obvious that if so many people work together, then conflicts may arise between the people in the construction project due to differences in thoughts and many other reasons. These things become huge obstacles to complete the process of the construction because due to such conflicts the budget of the project may get disturbed and the project may also get delayed provided more money may be spent to resolve the conflict.
Violation of the safety measures
It is the responsibility of the manager of the construction project to follow the safety measures in the construction project for the laborers working on the field to complete the project. As the laborers are an essential part of the construction project. Hence, even if single labor gets injured on the construction site the construction project gets disturbed because many other fellow laborers quit the project due to not following the safety measures. Violation of safety measures becomes a very big obstacle in the construction project if anyone on the construction site gets injured.
Untrained or inexperienced employees in the construction project
If the people working in the construction project are not trained for the work they need to take the training on the construction site (especially laborers), then there are chances that the project may get delayed and the construction may not be done properly. If the people working on the construction site are trained and experienced, then the project can be done properly and on time. Hence, untrained and inexperienced employees in the construction project are a big obstacle.
Use of the traditional methods for construction
If the manager or the engineer of the construction project is old in age, then there are chances that the person may use the old traditional methods for construction and do not adopt the new methods of construction. This becomes a huge barrier in the construction project management because the traditional methods of construction are done without the use of the new instruments used in construction. This may take delay in construction and the measurements in the construction may not be too accurate which can increase many problems in the future. Without a doubt, the use of traditional methods of construction is often an obstacle in construction project management.
A manager must be prepared for all the obstacles that may occur on the construction site, and then there are chances that the construction project can be completed successfully by overcoming all the obstacles.
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